Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Guess Who is 2?!?

Hard to believe but Connor has officially turned 2, and boy did we celebrate!! We had a Curious George cookout and pool party at Meme's house on Saturday the 9th of August. He had an absolute ball and seemed to enjoy being the center of attention. All of the kids enjoyed swimming and just being together.

The following Monday, my Mom, Faith, Connor and I headed down to Oak Island for a week at the beach. For the most part the weather was great, and we made the most of the one rainy day by taking the ferry from Southport to Ft. Fisher and checking out the Ft. Fisher Aquarium. Connor's actual birthday (the 14th) came and went without much fanfare, but he did learn to say "two" when asked how old he is, but we are still working on learning to hold up 2 fingers! He also got tons of phone calls from family at home which made him feel so special.

Mom headed back home to Roxboro on Friday afternoon, but soon after she left we were joined by Meme, Jesse and Makenna--and we were all really glad to see Tony when he arrived late on Friday evening. Faith, Makenna and Jesse had a great time learning to boogie board on Saturday, and Connor couldn't have been happier to finally have a parent there who would actually stay out in the water with him for more than 5 minutes--he loved it!! After our traditional stop at the Yacht Basin Provision Company for lunch we headed home on Sunday to get ready for the week.

We are so blessed to have been able to celebrate Connor's 2nd birthday with so many family members, and to have spent yet another wonderful week at Long Beach. I so enjoyed spending some quality time with my Mom, seeing her interact with my children, and seeing my kids enjoy what has always been such a special place to me. The First Sail beach cottage has been one of the very most constant places in my life and crossing "the big bridge" just always feels like coming home.

1 comment:

Donna Wright said...

I love the one of Connor with the shorts in his hand. I am so jealous that you've been at the beach! We live around the corner from the beach and never seem to get there. I love the blog page!